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Library Information

Mission, Vision, and Values Statement

Adopted January 25, 2024

Mission Statement

The Woodward Library is dedicated to supporting the teaching, learning, and research goals of our University community. The Library provides equitable access to a wide range of high-quality resources, services, and spaces that foster intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and lifelong learning.

Vision Statement

The Woodward Library aspires to be a place where students, faculty, and staff come together to exchange ideas, collaborate on projects, and engage in learning. The Library catalyzes academic excellence, social justice, and global citizenship, and we are committed to advancing knowledge, fostering creativity, and empowering our community to make a positive impact in the world.

Core Values

Collaborative Growth, Innovative Service, Inclusive Learning, Respect, Student Success

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement

Adopted Dec. 8, 2020

The foundation of modern librarianship is based on an essential and inter-related set of core values that includes access, diversity, education and lifelong learning, intellectual freedom, and social responsibility. To that end, the Woodward Library is committed to helping achieve Austin Peay State University’s mission and vision of educating informed global citizens by:

  • creating a welcoming environment that is conducive to exploration, learning, and research for all users;
  • providing access to content that represents diverse voices and viewpoints.

Further, we recognize that we are members of an inclusive campus community and everyone employed by the Woodward Library has a responsibility to treat coworkers, faculty, staff, students, and other users with respect and dignity regardless of ability, age, ethnicity, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, political views, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status.

In order to advocate for our diverse users and to provide active, intentional, and ongoing engagement to foster diversity initiatives, the Woodward Library will:

  • enhance the experience of all Library users by maintaining inclusive, safe, and welcoming library spaces.
  • provide content, collections, resources, services, programs, events, and exhibits that support diversity, equity, and a sense of belonging.
  • maintain strong relationships with APSU’s diverse communities -- including but not limited to cultural and identity groups (BIPOC, LGBTQIA+), first-generation students, low-income students, post-traditional students, military-affiliated students, and international students -- and the programs that support them.
  • work in concert with APSU’s Office of Equity, Access, & Inclusion to facilitate professional development training and support for all Library employees in understanding and developing cultural competencies.
  • work with APSU’s Offices of Human Resources and Equity, Access, & Inclusion to utilize hiring practices that will allow our Library employees to reflect the diverse communities we serve.

---Inspired by statements from Austin Peay State University’s College of Arts and Letters, the American Library Association, Morris Library-Southern Illinois University, and California State University Monterey Bay