Library Gifts
Gifts are an important resource for a library's collection. On behalf of the Woodward Library, the Woodward Library Society welcomes donations of books and media, as well as monetary gifts.
As an academic library with a mission to support Austin Peay State Univerity's (APSU) developing curriculum, we must be selective about what is added to collection. We appreciate donations that are relevant to the University's curriculum and are in good, clean condition. The Library does not accept:
- books or materials in poor, damaged, moldy and/or mildewed condition;
- mass-produced paperbacks (the kind of paperbacks sold at grocery stores on newsstands);
- dated information (scientific or technological books over five years old);
- dated technology (e.g., LPs, cassette tapes, VHS tapes);
- complimentary review textbooks;
- workbooks;
- bound periodicals (except in very rare circumstances);
- personal journal subscriptions (although we will accept monetary donations ear-marked for the Periodicals Collection).
- Textbooks
Donated materials must be accompanied by the completed and signed donation form found in the "Gifts: Information about Donating to the Library" brochure available in the Library and online.
The Library tries to accept only gifts we intend to use. Usually, a few questions will determine if a gift fits the Library's needs. Once donations are delievered to the Library, the Coordinator of Resourace Management and/or a subject specialist librarian will review each gift item to decide which items will be added. Because of workoload, Library personnel are not able to notify donors of each title's disposition or return items not addd to collection.
For information or to arrange to donate books or media, contact the Coordinator of Resource Management. For special collections items (company or personal papers, diaries, records, photographs, etc.), contact the University Archives & Special Collections (UASC) Librarian.
Gifts may be donated in memory or honor of a loved one, colleague, or friend. To request an electronic bookplate for memoriam gifts, please indicate this on the form in the "Gifts: Information about Donating to the Library" brochure and include the name of the honoree. All gifts are acknowledged by a letter from the Director of Library Services. Monetary gifts are acknowledged by the Director of Library Services and by the University Advancement Office.
The donor should provide an estimated value of the gift. Librarians are not able to appraise donations. If no valuation is furnished, standard valuations will be used: hardcover books will be valued at $5.00, paperbound books at $1.00, and media at $2.00. The letter of acknowledgement may be used as a receipt of goods, but not as an appraisal of fair market value of the items donated. Appraisals for tax determination puposes must be arranged by the value of items donated. Appraisals for tax determination purposes must be arranged by the donor and are required by the IRS for donations of more than $5,000.00.
The Library is greatly appreciative of financial donations, which allow us to acquire materials and to build an endowment fund. Checks may be made payable to the Austin Peay Foundation. Donors may indicate on their check or transmittal letter that gifts are designated for the Woodward Library.
Send to:
The Woodward Library Society
Felix G. Woodward Library
Austin Peay State University
P.O. Box 4595
Clarksville, TN 37044-4595
Updated March 2025