Circulation of Library Materials
The Woodward Library provides borrowing privileges for a variety of materials to members of the Austin Peay State University (APSU) community.
APSU faculty, faculy emeritus, faculty retired, adjunct faculty, administrators, staff, students, and alumni are eligible to borrow materials from the General Collection, Popular Reading Collection, Popular A-V Collection, and Government Document Collection. Additionally, materials from the Government Document Collection can be checked out to residents of the Seventh Congressional District holding a driver's license or other means of identification.
Loan periods are determined by patron category and material type.
Periodicals do not ordinarily circulate. In exceptional circumstances, and with the approval Access Services, check out is allowed.
Checking out APSU Library Materials
Present one of the following at the Access Services Desk to check out materials:
- a current University Govs ID Card (issued to all University borrowers).
- a courtesy card and photo ID (issued by the Library's Access Services Desk to residents of Clarksville and nearby communities).
Borrowable library materials should be brought to the Access Services Desk located on the main floor (level 2) near the front entrance to be checked out.
Returning APSU Library Materials
Laptops, calculators, items from the Lendable Object Library Collection, large books, and interlibrary loans must be returned to the Access Services Desk inside the Library.
All other materials may be returned to the Access Services Desk or either of the two Library book drops:
- a big blue outside book drop is located on the corner near the Library entrance.
- an inside book drop labeled "Book Depository" is located in the Library Lobby on the left side.
Updated February 2025