Deselection of Library Materials
Woodward Library's primary mission is to support the current study and research needs of the students and faculty of Austin Peay State University (APSU). The aim of the Library is to provide a well-balanced, curriculum supporting, and usable library collection, one which is designed for active use by its students and faculty.
Woodward Library complies with Austin Peay State University Policy Number 4:019 regarding the disposal of surplus personal property.
The deselection (or weeding) of library materials is a vital aspect of maintaining a relevant and efficient collection. The primary purpose of this policy is to outline the criteria and guidelines for the thoughtful deselection of library books and materials to ensure the ongoing quality, relevance, and usability of the collection.
The Library has established a continuous, deslection process to discard books that are no longer of value to the collection. A librarian reviews each item for potential deselection based upon their profesional judgement and knowledge of the collection and curriculum. Books are identified for deselection using the following questions:
- Is the book still relevant to the current and future APSU curriculum?
- Is the content dated and without significant local research or historical value?
- Has the book been used within a reasonable time period (usually five years) depending upon the subject and scope of the work? Books considered classics or standard editions are retained.
- Is there a later edition of the book? Earlier editions containing unique information may be retained.
- Is the book in good physical condition? Based on curricular needs replacement titles may be ordered.
- Are there multiple copies of the book? Multiple copies are retained only when a current, proven demand exists for multiple copies.
A strong library collection is developed by library faculty working in concert with instruction faculty. Just as acquiring books at APSU is a collaborative process between librarians and departmental faculty, deselection is collaborative process. Faculty expertise and subject-area knowledge are critical to the deselection process. Librarians consult with faculty members before final deselection decisions are made. Librarians are responsible for developing a balanced collection and for balancing conflicting needs of the acadmeic departments.
Updated March 2025