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apsu.edu e-mail address and create a user name and password. Your account will not be activated until you click on a confirmation link that is sent to your e-mail.


Log-in to SciFinder-n

The new SciFinder-n interface provides the following features:

  • A brand new streamlined interface providing easier navigation and time savings
  • Improved reference searching with new relevancy ranking and autosuggest
  • Multi-tab browsing and automatic User Login recognition
  • Simultaneously explore both text and structure in a single search
  • Automatically saves and stores all search history for quick and easy recall
  • Includes MethodsNow providing access to step by step synthetic procedures, extracted and summarized
  • Includes PatentPak providing access straight to full-text patents and hard-to-find-substances with a single click
  • Citation mapping that quickly identifies important research and graphically displaying references
  • Updated retrosynthesis planning capabilities

Helpful links for using SciFinder-n:

Alumni do not qualify for SciFinder access. Any use of SciFinder for commercial purposes under your institution's license is prohibited. Please remember to logout from SciFinder Scholar as soon as you have finished with your research.