Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
The interlibrary loan service provides the student, faculty, staff, and administration of Austin Peay State University (APSU) with a means of acquiring research materials not available in the Woodward Library.
Woodward Library observes and holds in strict compliance the Copyright Law of the United States, Public Law 94-553, and the CONTU Guidelines for interlibrary arrangements.
Current students, faculty, staff, and administration of APSU are able to request materials through interlibrary loan. Anything of an informative value may be requested -- irrespective of format -- subject to the provisions, limitations, and restrictions of the lending library, the Interlibrary Loan Code for the United States, and the Tennessee State Interlibrary Loan Code.
There is no charge for requests by APSU students, faculty, staff, and administration. However, borrowers are encouraged to use discretion and request items needed for classes, research, and related activities. Interlibrary loans are subject to overdue fines and/or replacement fees if not returned, per the Replacement Fee for Lost or Damaged Library Materials Policy.
The Woodward Library's resources are also available to other libraries through interlibrary loan. Following a determination that the requested material is not immediately required for its primary clientele -- defined as students, faculty, staff, and administration of APSU -- requests are filled giving priority first to Tennessee libraries, then to southeastern libraries including Arkansas, defined as the region served by SOLINET or contiguous to Tennessee, and then to libraries outside the SOLINET region. The loan period is three weeks from receipt of material, subject to recall, with one renewal subject to the approval of the Interlibrary Loan Assistant. The following are not normally loaned: textbooks associated with the Tests for Vets program; reference materials; reserve materials; peridodicals (bound or microfilm), excluding newspapers on microfilm, University Archives & Special Collections (UASC) materials; and non-circulating federal government publications.
Related Information
Interlibrary LoanContact
Updated March 2025