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Library Computer Use

Woodward Library offers computing and printing services to facilitate access to electronic resources that include: research databases; software programs such as Microsoft Office tools, main Internet browsers, and other standard and specialized software; printing; Wi-Fi access; and email, OneStop, D2L, and other key services. Access is a privilege, not a right, and requires responsibility on the part of the user.


The Library complies with Austin Peay State University Policy Number 4:029 regarding the acceptable use of information technology resources, and all electronic activity on the Library computers must be in accordance with the standards set forth by the University. Failure to abide by these standards may result in the loss of privileges.


Examples of unacceptable use of the LIbrary computers are listed below. This list is not exhaustive and only serves to show examples of behaviors that are not allowed.

  • Uses for any purposes that violate applicable federal, state, or local laws including copyright laws.
  • Interfering with or disrupting other computer uses, servies, or equipment.
  • Attempting to gain or gaining unauthorized entry to other computing, information, or communications sources or devices (hacking).
  • Malicious, threatening, harassing, or obscene behavior or language.
  • Accessing, uploading, downloading, transmitting, or distributing pornographic, obscene, or sexually explicit language material.
  • Unplugging a library network cable or an electrical cable.
  • Logging into a library computer with another person's credentials.
  • Allowing someone else to login to a library computer with your credentials or logging-in another person with your credentials.
  • Misrepresentiation of oneself or the Library.
  • Activities that could cause congestion and disruption of networks and systems.
  • Unsolicited advertising.

User Responsibilities

  • Users are responsible for the ethical use of Library computers, including both honesty in their academic pursuits and respect for others who share these resources.
  • Access to Library computers is on a first-come, first-served basis. APSU students have priority over non-APSU users for computer use. Academic computer use has priority over non-academic computer use. APSU students engaged in non-academic pursuits may be asked to relinquish their computers to students who need to do academic work for classes.
  • Some library computers may have specialized software installed on them to assist with specific classes. Students who need these resources have priority on those machines.
  • Users are expected to exercise good judgement when submitting printing tasks and take proper care of the computers, printers, and all other equipment found in the Library.
  • Users should print only materials needed for academic purposes.
  • Users are responsible for data safety and protecting their work. Users should save their work every time they add data. A limited number of flash drives are available for check-out (3-day limit) at the Access Services Desk.
  • Users should notify Library staff if the computer, printer, or other equipment has failed to respond correctly or if there is a problem.
  • Persons who are disruptive while using Library computers may be asked to leave. Campus security may be summoned if a disruptive user refuses to leave the Library. Repeated incidents of disruptive or harassing behavior will result in loss of Library computer use privileges.
  • The Library computers are primarily self-service. Users are responsible for learning necessary computer applications, but basic assistance and troubleshooting are available.
  • Users are welcome to use their personal laptops, tablets, and mobile devices in the Library; however, users may connect these devices only to the wireless network. Library staff may help users with personal devices, mainly to connect to the wireless network, to print documents to public printers, and to access electronic resources provided by the Library or the University. Please note that the Libary takes no responsibility for failure of personal devices or data loss.


Kebede Wordofa
Coordinator of Technology Resources

Updated March 2025