Christina Chester-Fangman
Archives and Special Collections Librarian
Christina is responsible for the operations of the University Archives & Special Collections (UASC) and the campus records management and retention efforts. In her role as the UASC Librarian, Christina provides effective and creative access to the collections, including prioritization of cataloging and metadata for UASC materials, and developing and enhancing rare book, manuscript, and archival collections. As the University’s Records Management & Retention Officer, she coordinates the preparation of the yearly University-wide records holdings report to the Tennessee Secretary of State Records Management Division, and provides education and outreach related to the responsible stewardship of University records. She also designs and creates instructional materials, teaches information literacy sessions, provides reference and research services, and is the Subject Librarian to the Department of Communication and the Department of Theatre and Dance.
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Employed at APSU since: 2005
- General Education Standing Committee, Library Representative
- Library Access and Belonging Committee
- Phi Kappa Phi, Chapter #191 President
- Students for Secular Humanism, Advisor
- University Library Advisory Committee
- Woodward Library Society Board of Directors
- 2020 QEP Impact of Excellence Award
- 2015 APSU Student Organization Advisor of the Year, Students for Secular Humanism
- 2010-2011 Socrates Award Recipient
- B.A., Austin Peay State University
- M.S.L.S., University of Kentucky

Christina Chester-Fangman
Phone: (931) 221-1267
Email: chester-fangmanc
Office: Library 317