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University Archives & Special Collections

The Austin Peay State University Archives and Special Collections is open by appointment only. We will be happy to assist you either by email chester-fangmanc@apsu.edu or by phone (931) 221-1267; additional resources may be found on our website https://aspire.apsu.edu/.

The purpose of University Archives & Special Collections is to house Woodward Library materials that need special care for their protection and preservation. It is organized by various collections. Collections include the Dorothy Dix Collection, which includes her works and newspaper clippings; the Robert Penn Warren Collection which includes portraits, photographs, the Purple and Gold collection, and Warren's high school report card; the Clarksville Photographs Collection which include photographs ranging from the late 1800s to the mid 1970s; the Dr. Joseph Milton Henry Papers contain information about The Land Between The Lakes and his academic files; and The Hillman Papers, which have primary source material relating to the Hillman Land and Iron Company. A final collection consists of materials that need special care because of their age, fragility, format, or uniqueness.

Access to University Archives & Special Collections is restricted to help protect and preserve the materials. The room is locked at all times and patrons are not allowed in the room unless accompanied by a staff member. Use of materials is restricted. For further information or to schedule an appointment for use of University Archives & Special Collections materials, contact Christina Chester-Fangman.

University Archives & Special Collections Unit

Headshot of Christina Chester-Fangman
Christina Chester-Fangman
Professor - Archives and Special Collections Librarian
Office: 317
Phone: 931-221-1267
Email: chester-fangmanc
More Information about Christina
Headshot of Stephanie Klaus
Stephanie Klaus
University Archives and Special Collections Assistant
Office: 308
Phone: 931-221-7617
Email: klauss
More Information about Stephanie