A Celebration of Scholarship:
Creative and Scholarly Achievements at Austin Peay
For a list of previous submissions starting with items published in 2024, see the online Celebration of Scholarship Bibliography. Entries from earlier years are available in PDF format on ASPIRE.
General Guidelines
Who is eligible to submit achievements?
APSU faculty, staff, administration, emeriti, students, and alumni.
Scholarly and creative achievement include...
- Printed: Books and Chapters, Pamphlets, Journal Items, Conference Proceedings, Scores, and Performance Programs
- Electronic: Books and Chapters, Pamphlets, Journal Items, Conference Proceedings, Scores, and Performance Programs
- Audiovisual: DVDs
- Art and Performance: Exhibited Artwork and Performance
What dates are included?
Achievements completed between January 2024 and December 2024.
What items may not be included?
Items "in press," manuscripts, theses, translations of items previously accepted, abstracts of papers presented at meetings that are only printed in the program for that meeting, general editorials, introduction of a speaker, letters to the editor not containing original contribution, and references in programs.

When to submit achievements?
Scholarly and creative achievements should be submitted as early as possible for processing purposes, but no later than Tuesday, December 31, 2024.
How to submit achievements?
Complete the online Scholarly and Creative Achievement Form that is available during the submission period. You will receive a confirmation email after you submit the form. Please keep a copy of this email for your records.
When is the exhibit?
The Celebration of Scholarship exhibit is scheduled to open on February 7, 2025, on the main floor of the Woodward Library. Items selected will be on display through the month of February. If you wish to donate your publication to the Library's General Collection, it must fall within the Collection Development Guidelines.
The Publication Committee will be responsible for the curation of publications to be included in the display, and for extending invitations to potential speakers for the reception.
A reception sponsored by the Woodward Library Society will be held at 4 p.m. on Thursday, February 13th, 2025, at 416 College Street.