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Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Log in to Interlibrary Loan

About Interlibrary Loan

Welcome to Interlibrary Loan. This is a service that allows Austin Peay students, faculty, and staff to request resources from other libraries. Items in any format may be requested, including:

  • books
  • book chapters
  • journal articles
  • DVDs
  • CDs
Where to Find Resources

Before requesting an item, please check the Woodward Library catalog and online databases. The library may already own the item or document that you need. For books, book chapters, DVDs, and other media, check the library catalog. For journal articles, search for the journal title in Find Periodicals. Theses and dissertations may be found in the library catalog or one of our relevant databases. For music scores, consult the library's music scores and sheet music guide.

Books and articles can also be requested through WorldCat. If the library does not own the resource, a Request Item through Interlibrary Loan icon will appear. This icon will automatically transfer you to your interlibrary loan account. If the library owns an article but it is not available electronically, you can submit an interlibrary loan request and we will send it to you through our Document Delivery program.

Faculty and staff may request on-campus delivery for items already in Woodward Library's collection by filling out the On-Campus Delivery Form.

About this Page

In this guide, you can find information about:

  • Creating an ILLiad account and logging into ILLiad
  • Requesting resources in ILLiad
  • Checking to see if the resource you need is already in our collection
  • Policies about borrowing, lending, and textbooks
  • Services for off-campus students (including dual enrollment) and alumni
  • How to get in contact with interlibrary loan staff

The Interlibrary Loan department is open between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. The department is located in room 118 on the first floor of the library.

Phone: 931-221-7679

Email: kellerc or shumates

How to Access ILLiad

From the library's homepage, click on Interlibrary Loan - ILL in the Services drop down menu. 

image of library home page with interlibrary loan circled

From the main page, click on Log in to Interlibrary Loan Here to open ILLiad. 

image of interlibrary loan guide with an arrow pointing towards log in button

If this is your first time logging in to ILLiad, click on First Time Users. If you already have an account, log in with your chosen credentials. 

image of interlibrary loan log in screen with circle around the first time users log in link

Requesting Resources

Once you have logged in to ILLiad, you can request articles, books, book chapters, conference papers, or theses. 

Textbooks and required readings for class cannot be requested through interlibrary loan. If you need assistance acquiring these resources, consult the resources listed in our textbook policy.

On the left-hand menu, locate New Request and click on the type of resource needed. Fill out the appropriate fields. Depending on the resource, required information can include authors/editors, title, and page range needed. If available, it is recommended that you also include a standard number, such as the ISBN or ISSN. For music scores, foreign language titles, or other instances in which a specific edition is needed, including the OCLC number from a relevant record in WorldCat can ensure that you receive the correct item. To find the OCLC number, search for the item needed, click on the correct record, and locate the OCLC number under View Description (see image below).

Click Submit Request after filling out the form.

Example of a complete book request form:

image of a complete book request form

Example of an OCLC number located in WorldCat.

image of search result in Worldcat

Textbook Policies

Woodward Library is unable to borrow textbooks or other materials required for courses offered at Austin Peay State University.

  • Purchasing textbooks is part of usual college expenses, along with paying tuition, dorm/rental expenses, etc.
  • Very few libraries purchase textbooks, which means most textbooks are not available to lend or borrow.
  • Because new editions of textbooks are published so frequently, even fewer libraries have the most recent editions.
  • Of those libraries that do purchase textbooks, the textbook collection is usually reserved for their campus-use only and are not loaned to other libraries.
  • Loaned books usually take on to two weeks to arrive, so you would already be behind in your class work and reading by the time they arrive.
  • You would only get to keep a textbook borrowed through ILL for about three weeks.
    • Loan due dates are set by the lending library, not Woodward Library.
    • Renewals are not always allowed by the lending library for loaned books.
    • When a renewal is allowed, it usually is only allowed once for a brief extension of another one to two weeks.
  • Failure to return items when due can lead to:
    • You being charged by the lending library for the full cost of the textbook PLUS a processing fee.
    • Your access to Interlibrary Loan and all Woodward Library privileges being suspended until the item is returned and/or any fees charged by the lending library are paid.
    • Your grades, class registration, transcripts, and graduation being blocked until the item is returned and/or fees charged by the lending library are paid.
    • Woodward Library not being able to borrow from the lending library again for any other students.
  • Though interlibrary loans do not cost you anything, they do cost the library around $20 per request. The library simply does not have the funding to request hundreds of student textbooks, each of which will only be able to be kept for a few weeks.

Policy adapted from University of Mississippi Libraries.
Adopted October 14, 2019.

Options for Students Who Cannot Afford Textbooks

There are a few options available to students who cannot afford to purchase textbooks from the campus bookstore.

Some faculty members place personal copies of their course materials on reserve at Woodward Library's circulation/reserve desk on the main floor of the library. These materials are available for short-term checkouts. Search the reserves by course number or faculty name in PeaySearch.

Many textbooks can be purchased second hand. Search for your books on the following websites:

Text for Vets provides textbooks on a first-come first-serve basis. Preference is given to veterans, active duty, reservist, national guardsman, retirees, ROTC students, and  family members. Once the semester starts, distribution is open to all APSU students. 

If you need financial aid help, grants, loans, job information, or other financial assistance, please visit: 


  1. Anything of an informative value may be borrowed, irrespective of format, subject to the provisions, limitations, and restrictions of the lending library, the National Interlibrary Loan Code, and the Tennessee State Interlibrary Loan Code.
  2. Current students, faculty, administration, and staff of APSU are able to request materials through Interlibrary Loan.
  3. There is no charge for requests by APSU faculty, staff, administration, and students. Borrowers are encouraged to use discretion and request items needed for research and class assignments.
  4. A fine of $1 per day past the due date will be assessed for all monographs (books, DVDs, etc.). This does not include PDFs of journal articles or book chapters that are delivered via email. Fines are applicable for all categories of users.
  5. Woodward Library observes and holds in strict compliance the Copyright Law are the United States, Public Law 94-553, and the CONTU Guidelines for interlibrary arrangements.


  1. The Woodward Library's resources are available to other libraries through Interlibrary Loan.
  2. Following a determination that the requested material is not immediately required for its primary clientele, defined as students, faculty, administration, and staff of Austin Peay State University, requests are filled giving priority first to Tennessee libraries, then to southeastern libraries, including Arkansas, defined as the region served by SOLINET or contiguous to Tennessee, and then to libraries outside the SOLINET region.
  3. The loan period is three weeks from receipt of material, subject to recall, with one renewal subject to the approval of the Interlibrary Loan librarian.
  4. The following are not normally loaned: reference materials, reserve materials, audiovisual materials with the exception of designated videocassettes, periodicals (bound or microfilm) excluding newspapers on microfilm, University Archives & Special Collections materials, and non-circulating federal government publications.

Off-Campus Students

Woodward Library offers interlibrary loan services for students taking classes at locations other than the Clarksville campus. This includes students at Fort Campbell, in dual enrollment programs, and taking classes online.

For articles and book chapters that are delivered electronically, the request process is identical for on-campus and off-campus students.

  • If you are off campus you will see the Remote Access (Remote Patron Authentication) login screen with instructions prompting you to log in. Your login credentials are your OneStop login and password.

Some online and off-campus students may be eligible to have books and other physical items delivered.

  • Students taking classes at the Austin Peay Center at Fort Campbell may request to have items delivered there.
    • When creating an ILLiad account, select APSU Center at Fort Campbell as the Delivery Location.
    • Items can be returned to Woodward Library or the APSU Center at Fort Campbell.
  • Students who live 50 or more miles away from Austin Peay may request that items be delivered to their place of residence. 
    • When creating an ILLiad account, select Mail to Address as the Preferred Loan Delivery Method.
    • Books will be shipped to the preferred address at no charge.
    • Note: students are responsible for the cost of returning books to Woodward Library.
    • Delivery time is included in the loan period. If the loan period is 14 days and delivery takes 4 days round trip, you will only be able to use the book for 10 days.
    • Books must be returned to Woodward Library by the due date. Overdue fines for ILL books are $1 per day. These fines will not be forgiven once the book is returned.
    • Renewals may be requested, but they are not guaranteed. Renewals must be approved by the lending institution, not Woodward Library.
    • Return books to:
      • Carol Keller
        Woodward Library
        681 Summer St. 
        Clarksville, TN 37040​

To learn more about services for off-campus students, view the Services for Off-Campus Students page.


Woodward Library offers interlibrary loan services for alumni.

Before requesting an item through interlibrary loan, alumni will need to request to the APSU Alumni Library Portal. To do this, fill out Alumni Access Request Form.

To check out books and other physical interlibrary loan materials, alumni will need an APSU library courtesy card. Courtesy cards can be applied for at the Circulation Desk located on the 2nd (main) floor of the library. A photo I.D. (driver's license, military I.D., etc.) is required for registration. Courtesy card holders must be at least 18 years of age. Please note: after 9 p.m. the library is open only to currently enrolled APSU students and APSU faculty and staff. Library hours, including during holidays and intersessions, are posted on the library website.

To learn more about other library services available to alumni, visit the Services for Alumni page.


If you have questions or comments about interlibrary loan, please contact Carol Keller (kellerc or 931-221-7679) or Scott Shumate (shumates or 931-221-6288).

Loaned items can be returned to the Circulation Desk on the 2nd (main) floor of Woodward Library or the APSU Center at Fort Campbell.

Items that must be returned in the mail should be sent to:

Carol Keller
Woodward Library
681 Summer St.
Clarksville, TN 37040