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Library Services Strategic Plan, 2016-2019

Goal #1: Maintain and increase access to library and information resources

  • Maintain access to current journal and database subscriptions to support teaching, learning, and research. Supports APSU Goal #3: Sustainability
  • Acquire library resources to support new and revised academic programs. Supports APSU Goals #1: Enrollment Growth, and #2: Student Success
  • Add 16 computer workstations in the Information Commons (dependent upon funding). Supports APSU Goal #1: Enrollment Growth

Goal #2: Improve information literacy instruction efforts

  • Develop instructional videos and tutorials. Supports APSU Goals #1: Enrollment Growth, and #2: Student Success
  • Develop a structured method of information literacy instruction using curriculum mapping and scaffolding techniques. Supports APSU Goal #2: Student Success
  • Transition research assistance service from a walk-up desk to a consultation & on-call model. Supports APSU Goals #2: Student Success, and #3: Sustainability

Goal #3: Increase faculty, staff, and student productivity and collaboration

  • Upgrade the Millennium integrated library system to the next generation system, Sierra. Supports APSU Goal #3: Sustainability
  • Implement an Institutional Repository. Supports APSU Goals #2: Student Success, and #3: Sustainability

Goal #4: Seek opportunities to improve library facilities

  • Remodel or repurpose existing building spaces to provide places for individual and group study, instruction, and collections. Supports APSU Goals #1: Enrollment Growth, #2: Student Success, and #3: Sustainability
  • Move the research assistance desk to provide a quieter and more efficient workspace for student consultations. Supports APSU Goal #2: Student Success

Goal #5: Offer programming contributing to diversity and inclusion

  • Develop or host presentations, events, displays, and the like. Supports APSU Goals #2: Student Success, and #4: Diversity

View the Library Services Strategic Plan, 2011-2015