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Library Collections

The collections at Woodward Library consist of periodicals (journals and magazines); government publications; APSU publications; electronic resources (E-books and online journals); microforms; audiovisual materials; and books. All these materials can be located using PeaySearch or by navigating the collections in the building with the Library Map. View the Library Fact Sheet for statistics on materials in the library collections.

Books at Woodward Library are divided among the following collections:

  • GENERAL BOOK COLLECTION - This area contains the majority of the Library's books, arranged by Library of Congress call number (A-Z).
  • JUVENILE COLLECTION (JUV) - Materials written for children or young adults.
  • POPULAR READING COLLECTION - Includes literary fiction, science fiction, fantasy, horror, thrillers, romance and historical fiction. Non-fiction works include memoirs, biographies, history, business, science and self-help. Audio books can also be found in this collection. These items are shelved by the author's last name.
  • POPULAR VIDEO COLLECTION - Located on the main floor in front of Starbucks. Includes popular movies and television shows in DVD format. These items are shelved by title and may be checked out for seven days.
  • RESERVES COLLECTION - The Reserve Collection is a temporary collection that supports the APSU teaching programs. The collection also contains items that have greater circulation restrictions than materials in the library's general and special collections. The reserve materials are located in the Circulation/Reserve Department on the main floor of the library.
  • LENDABLE OBJECTS COLLECTION - Lendable Objects offers a convenient collection of everyday items such as kitchen appliances and basic tools. These objects can be borrowed for seven days and renewed once.
  • UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES & SPECIAL COLLECTIONS - Rare books and the APSU Archives are kept in this room. Use of these materials must occur in this building. Once you determine that the material you need is in this room, contact Christina Chester-Fangman.