Dorothy Dix

As the forerunner of today’s popular advice columnists, Elizabeth Meriwether Gilmer (1861-1951) writing under the pen name Dorothy Dix, was America’s most widely read and highest paid journalist at the time of her death. Her advice on love and marriage was syndicated in newspapers around the world. A most famous aphorism of hers was Dictates for a Happy Life. With an estimated audience of 60 million readers around the world she was a highly popular, respected and recognized personality.
The Dorothy Dix Collection at Austin Peay State University
The Dorothy Dix Collection is housed in the Felix G. Woodward Library at Austin Peay State University. It is the most comprehensive collection available on Dorothy Dix and her writings. The collection consists of autobiographical and biographical information on Dix; all books written by and about her; column and advice writings; investigative writings; 40th anniversary articles as a columnist; correspondence between her and professional colleagues, friends and relatives; articles, book chapters, thesis, dissertations written about Dix and her work; research papers from the Dorothy Dix Symposium; professional honors and awards; travel diaries; memorabilia and passport depicting many of her travels; product testimonials; books from her library; childhood autograph book; scrapbooks from her school days; photographs and slides of Dix, her relatives, friends and homes she and her family owned; Dorothy Dix Collection administration.
- Dorothy Dix Collection overview (PDF, 24 KB) by Inga A. Filippo
- Research Guide (annotated listing of collection material).
- Time Line/Selected Bibliography
- Research Papers
- Letters and Diaries
- Dorothy Dix Symposium
- Dictates for a Happy Life
- Le Petit Salon: A History of Its Fifty Years (1924-1974) (PDF, 1 MB) by Genevieve Munson Trimble
- Le Petit Salon: Sixty Years of Salon Memories (PDF, 517 KB) by Genevieve Munson Trimble
- Digital Photo Collection