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Services for Community Members

Borrowing and Lending Information

The Access Assistance Services Desk is located on the 2nd floor as you enter the library.

Identification Cards: Persons not affiliated with the University can apply for an APSU Library Courtesy Card. They may check out books from the general and special collections (21-day loan) and government publications (21-day loan). Courtesy card holders must be at least 16 years old. Courtesy card holders are allowed to have a maximum of 10 items checked out at one time. They may use other items (such as videos and DVDs) and equipment in house only. Courtesy card holders may NOT use the Library Instruction Room (LIR), nor can they access databases remotely.

The APSU Library Courtesy Card can be applied for at the Circulation Desk located on the main level in the Library. Photo identification and proof of residence, such as a utility bill, are required for registration. Courtesy cards may be issued to residents of Montgomery, Stewart, Houston, Dickson, Cheatham and Robertson counties (Tennessee) and Christian, Todd, Logan and Trigg counties (Kentucky).

Loan Periods: Community members may check out up to three general collection books and government publications for a period of three weeks. They may use other items (such as videos and dvds) and equipment in house only.

Additional Services

Quiet Zones: There are Quiet Zones on the first and third floors of the library. When using the Quiet Zones, please speak softly, keep conversations brief and refrain from talking or making phone calls.

Tennessee Electronic Library (TEL) is a collection of databases that provide access to over 400,000 magazines, newspapers, essays, podcasts, videos, e-books, primary source materials, and more! TEL is available free of charge to any Tennessee resident and is accessible 24/7 from any computer with access to the internet. Click here to access the TEL website.

Photocopying, Printing, and Microforms

Photocopying: A photocopier is located on the second floor of the Library.

Microforms: Microfilm reader/printers are available on the first floor. There is no charge for microform copies.

Scanner: A scanner is available on the second floor. There is no charge for scanning.