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Services for Faculty

Borrowing and Lending Information

The Access Assistance Services Desk is located on the 2nd floor as you enter the library.

Identification Cards: Your APSU campus ID card serves as your library card. You must have a valid APSU campus ID in order to use library materials and equipment.

Loan Periods: Faculty may check out general collection books and government publications for a period of six months. Faculty members may checkout items from the Audio-Visual and Popular Books Collections for three weeks. Items from the Popular DVD Collection may be checked out for one week. All library materials are subject to recall after three weeks if requested by someone else.

Renewals: You will receive a reminder notice by email prior to the due date. In the spring semester, books are due one week before the last day of classes.

Fees for Overdue or Lost Books: Woodward Library does not charge fines for overdue books, except for overdue interlibrary loans which are fined at $1.00 per day per item. Library users with overdue or lost books are blocked from library privileges. Users cannot check out materials, including reserves, use interlibrary loan services, or access library databases from off-campus until the materials are returned or the lost books are replaced

Proxy Service: Faculty members may designate a borrower as a Proxy to check out library material for them. Material checked out by a Proxy appears on the authorizing borrower's library record; likewise, all notices go to the authorizing borrower, as do any pertaining blocks. To register a Proxy at the Library Circulation Desk, the Library needs the authorizing borrower's and the Proxy's APSU identification cards. After registration, the Proxy will show his or her APSU identification card at the Circulation Desk to check out material for the authorizing borrower.

On-Campus Delivery: Faculty members can request to have books or audio-visuals (but not periodicals or articles) delivered to their offices.

Research Instruction

One of the Library's goals is to develop and enhance the research skills of our students so that they can successfully negotiate today's information-rich environment, in and out of school. Our librarians offer instruction sessions for students at all levels and can work with you to develop a session based on the goals and objectives of your course, and on your specific research assignment. Many instructors find that students produce better finished products after research instruction sessions tailored specifically to the needs of their class. Please contact your Subject Librarian to arrange an instruction session for your students!

For questions regarding research instruction, contact Jenny Harris.

Library Tutorials

The Woodward Library offers video tutorials with accompanying quizzes to be used within APSU courses. Fill out the form(s) below with your course information for the tutorials to be loaded into your D2L shell.

For questions regarding library tutorials, contact Tamille West.

Library Reserve

Faculty may place on reserve such materials as class notes, exams, homework assignments, journal articles, book excerpts, and videos. To place materials on reserve, faculty must complete the Reserve Request Form. More detailed information can be found on the library reserves and the copyright guidelines page.

Purchasing Materials

Collection development at Austin Peay is a collaborative endeavor. All librarians participate in collection development and deselection activities by serving as Subject Librarians to academic departments and programs.

Open Access Publishing Opportunities

Woodward Library has entered into transformative agreements (also known as Read and Publish agreements) that enable APSU students, faculty and staff members to publish their research as open access (OA) without the need to pay article processing charges (APC) that can be thousands of dollars for some journals. More details on the benefits of OA publishing and a list of participating publishers can be found on the Open Access: Research and Scholarship guide.

Software Requests

The Library will install software supporting the curriculum on selected Infocommons PCs. The Library will only accept software that is properly licensed. For inclusion on the designated course-related PCs, faculty and staff are encouraged to submit copies of properly licensed software to the Library Systems Department. Software received by August 5 will be installed for the fall semester and software received by December 5 will be installed for the spring semester. While there is no guarantee, every effort will be made to include software submitted after the designated deadlines.

Please make sure all submitted software is compatible with the Windows 7 operating system.

To request software, please complete the Academic Software Request Form (PDF) and return it to the Woodward Library Systems Department.

Linking to Articles in D2L

Are you preparing your lesson plans and need to know how to set up links to articles or other resources from the library databases - for D2L, course web pages, or other locations - so that they work from off-campus? Use the Library Resource Link Generator to make sure your links are accessible to your students from any location. Visit this page to set up a link or get more information.

Room Reservation: Research Instruction and Meeting Rooms

Library rooms are typically scheduled only for course-related instructional purposes and library-related activities. Rooms may be scheduled for use by university-related groups or organizations if facilities are not available elsewhere on campus. Student groups requesting use of library rooms must be accompanied by a faculty member or advisor. No exceptions!

To request a reservation, this form must be submitted at least two working days (M-F, 8:00am-4:30pm) prior to the date requested. Exceptions to this policy may be made at the discretion of the Director of Library Services.

For more information, contact Pat Simmons, Library Administrative Assistant to the Director of Library Services, at simmonsp@apsu.edu or 931-221-7618

Technology & Printing

Pharos Web Printing: You can print from any computer connected to the APSU campus network, student wireless network, or faculty/staff wireless network. You have two hours to retrieve your print job once it has been submitted.

Scholarly Journal Information with a List of Predatory Journals

Cabells Journal Directories (Journalytics and Predatory Reports) provides accurate, up-to-date information about academic journals to more than 750 universities worldwide. It includes a database of scholarly journals with publication information, submission experience data, and peer review indicators. Also included is Predatory Reports, the only searchable database of predatory journals with detailed summaries of deceptive behaviors.

Remote Access for Emeriti Faculty Members

Remote access to online library resources is available for APSU faculty members with Emeriti status. See the Access to Library Resources for APSU Emeriti guide for more details and instructions on how to request access. If you are currently teaching a course or taking classes from APSU, you may already be able to access library resources using your APSU single sign-on credentials. Please try to login with those credentials before requesting an emeriti account provided by the library.