Services for Students
Borrowing and Lending Information
The Access Assistance Services Desk is located on the 2nd floor as you enter the library.
Identification Cards: Your APSU campus ID card serves as your library card. You must have a valid APSU campus ID in order to use library materials and equipment.
Loan Periods: Undergraduate students may check out general collection books and government publications for a period of three weeks. Graduate students may check out general collection books for six months. All library materials are subject to recall after three weeks if requested by someone else.
Renewals: Books may be renewed at the Access Assistance Desk or through My Account (unless the book is on hold). You will receive a reminder notice by email prior to the due date.
Fees for Overdue or Lost Books: Woodward Library does not charge fines for overdue books, except for overdue interlibrary loans which are fined at $1.00 per day per item. Library users with overdue or lost books are blocked from library privileges. Users cannot check out materials, including reserves, use interlibrary loan services, or access library databases from off-campus until the materials are returned or the lost books are replaced
Additional Services
Information Commons: The InfoCommons provides students with more than 90 workstations with Internet access and current software.
Instruction Rooms: The library has three instruction rooms. LB 114 is on the first floor and has 24 workstations. LB 232 is on the second floor and is only open when reserved for instruction. LB 209 is on the second floor and has 35 workstations. LB 209 is also open to students when not in use for formal instruction.
Quiet Zones: There are Quiet Zones on the first and third floors of the library. When using the Quiet Zones, please speak softly, keep conversations brief and refrain from talking or making phone calls.
Remote Access allows faculty, staff, and currently registered students of Austin Peay State University to use library databases from home, work, or wherever they have an Internet connection. NOTE: Students must be registered for the current semester to use Remote Access. See the directions below:
Go to the Library's homepage; navigate to the database you are looking for and click the link. If you are on campus, you will be connected directly to the database. If you are off campus you will see the Remote Access (Remote Patron Authentication) login screen with instructions prompting you to log in. Your login credentials are your OneStop login and password.
You will be granted access to the database if you are a currently enrolled student or an Austin Peay State University employee.
Research Consultation: Are your searches not yielding the results you expected? Are you having trouble finding the information you need? Students may schedule a private consultation with a librarian to obtain assistance with developing strategies for your research.
- Click here to access the Research Consultation form.
Copiers: Self-service photocopiers are available on Levels 1 and 2 of the Library. All photocopies are 10 cents per page. A microfilm/microfiche reader is available on Level 1. Microform scans must be saved to an external medium or sent via email.
Study Rooms: The Library provides several rooms in which small groups of people may study. The rooms are located on Level 3 of the Library and are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Groups have priority over individuals for study room access.
Technology Lending
Laptops: 25 Dell Latitude laptops
Pharos Web Printing: You can print from any computer connected to the APSU campus network, student wireless network, or faculty/staff wireless network. You have two hours to retrieve your print job once it has been submitted.
Get Writing Support

The Writing Center is located on the second floor of the Library, just past Starbucks.
The Writing Center provides FREE writing support to APSU students in person or online. Tutors work one-on-one with students on any stage of the writing process for any discipline. You can also upload your essay online and receive written feedback. Book an appointment, discover writing resources, and learn more on the Writing Center website.
Room Reservation: Research Instruction and Meeting Rooms
Library rooms are typically scheduled only for course-related instructional purposes and library-related activities. Rooms may be scheduled for use by university-related groups or organizations if facilities are not available elsewhere on campus. Student groups requesting use of library rooms must be accompanied by a faculty member or advisor. No exceptions!
To request a reservation, this form must be submitted at least two working days (M-F, 8:00am-4:30pm) prior to the date requested. Exceptions to this policy may be made at the discretion of the Director of Library Services.
- Click here to access the Room Reservation form.
For more information, contact Pat Simmons, Library Administrative Assistant to the Director of Library Services, at or 931-221-7618