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Area Custodians

Listed below are the area custodians for the university. To update a records custodian for a specified area, please use the following form:

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Academic Affairs | Executive | External Affairs | Finance and Administration | Student Affairs
Area Name Email Phone
Academic Affairs
Academic Strategic Initiatives Paulina Atkinson atkinsonp 7966
Admissions, Dual Enrollment, and Orientation Amy Corlew corlewa 6131
Associate VP for Student Success Barbara LeJeune lejeuneb 6641
CoAL: Art + Design Gena Shire shireg 7333
CoAL: CECA Calie Benke benkec 7876
CoAL: Communication Cindy McElroy mcelroyc 7378
CoAL: Dean's Office Lakota Withrow withrowl 6445
CoAL: History & Philosophy Janice Poindexter poindexterj 7919
CoAL: Languages & Literature Coard Lowery loweryc 7890
CoAL: Music Michelle Fraley fraleym 7818
CoAL: Theatre & Dance Donna Conklin conklind 6767
CoBHS: Dean's Office Jill York yorkj 6380
CoBHS: Criminal Justice Melissa Boyer boyerm 1480
CoB: Dean's Office JJ White whitej 7674
CoE: Dean's Office Theresa Dezellem dezellemt 7511
CoE: Educational Specialties Ana Ortega ortegaa 7696
CoE: Teaching and Learning Ana Ortega ortegaa 7696
CoE: Office of Teacher Education and Partnerships Amy Barrett barrettam 7441
CoGS: Dean's Office Megan Mitchell mitchellm 6189
CoSTEM: Agriculture Patty Mason masonp 7272
CoSTEM: Allied Health Sciences Rachel Ayer ayerr 6455
CoSTEM: Biology Jessie Verrillo verrilloj 7781
CoSTEM: Center of Excellence for Field Biology Jean Langley langleyj 7019
CoSTEM: Computer Science & Information Technology Jess Holland hollandj 7131
CoSTEM: Dean's Office Mary Biggers biggersm 7971
CoSTEM: Earth and Environmental Sciences Renee DeCelle deceller 7454
CoSTEM: Engineering Technology Michele Tamayo tamayom 1470
CoSTEM: Mathematics and Statistics Jamie Gaither gaitherj 7833
CoSTEM: Southeastern Grasslands Initiative Devan Gearhart gearheartd 7775
Financial Aid, Scholarships,
and Veterans Education Benefits
Jill Endsley endsleyj 7397
Fort Campbell Center Benjamin Drummond drummondb 1457
Honors Program Delaney Atkins atkinsd 7403
Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment Brandi Bickham bickhamb 6244
Library Pat Simmons simmonsp 7618
Registrar Lois Briones brionesl 6540
Research and Sponsored Programs Chad Brooks brooksc 7415
Student Achievement Lois Briones brionesl 6540
Testing Center vacant testingcenter 6269
VP and Associate VP of Academic Affairs Lisa Phelps phelpsl 7676
Athletics Presley Merida meridap 7047
Equity, Access, & Inclusion Sheila Bryant bryantsm 7178
Govs Print Mathew Hemby hembym 7207
Internal Audit Blayne Clements clementsb 7466
Office of Legal Affairs April Williams williamsan 7572
President's Office Lenora Jackson jacksonlp 7571
Public Relations & Marketing Lori Moore moorel 7459
External Affairs
Alumni Relations Janie Land landj 7979
University Advancement Ashley Puskas puskasa 7024
Finance and Administration
Business Services: Accounting Services Terrell Bell bellt1 7758
Business Services: Auxiliary Tammy Silva silvat 6164
Business Services: Procurement and Contract Services Pat Walton waltonp 7573
Business Services: Student Account Services Amy Tanner tannera 7480
Budgets and Financial Planning Lee Miller millerl 7883
Capital Planning, Design & Construction Yewelline King kingy 6197
Human Resources JaCenda Robinson robinsonj 7179
Information Technology Sherry Lawdermilt lawdermilts 7129
Physical Plant Jeffery Wagner wagnerj 7426
Public Safety Kristie Winters wintersk 7794
University Facilities Andy Kean keana 7845
VP for Finance & Administration Lee Miller millerl 7883
Student Affairs
African American Cultural Center Alexia Curtis curtisad 7134
Associate VP and Dean of Students Vanessya Fountain fountainv 7341
Career Services Julie Porter porterj 6544
Child Learning Center Claudia Rodriguez littlegovsclc 6232
Community Engagement & Sustainability Meagan Potts pottsm 6590
Counseling & Health Services Jill DeGraauw degraauwj 7111
Student Disability Resource Center Dustie Dyce Boxx dyceboxxd 6230
Housing/Residence Life Michael Johansen johansenm 7443
Newton Family Military Student Center Dana Chadwick chadwickd 1684
Student Affairs Tammy Bryant bryantt 7375
University Recreation Kathleen Evans evansk 1242
VP for Student Affairs Lynne Halliburton halliburtonl 6844